Hello Hello!
It has been a crazy week, as I have been doing a little bit of everything. At the Drachman Institute, we are starting to put together our books for the elementary schools, Tully and Brichta. The books contain everything from neighborhood demographics to composting techniques and blue prints for kickball fields to the cost of solar lighting. Today we went to both schools and walked around the campus (yet again) mapping out assets, such as down spouts, benches, water fountains, trash cans, existing trees, and low grounds. In addition we also began to brainstorm about spaces on the campus where trees could be planted, gardens installed, and shade appreciated. For the rest of this week I will continue to work on pages for the books, as well as my plans for New York.
I will be in New York City from April 2nd-April 23rd. I will be visiting community gardens, schools, farmers markets, urban parks, and much more to try and analyze how the green movement works in a big city. So far I have set up interviews/meetings with three groups: The Highline (a raised, abandoned railway that was transformed in to a public park), Loci Architecture (a green architecture firm that is geared toward improving neighborhoods), and Community Voices Heard (a community focused nonprofit based in Harlem). I am waiting to hear back from many more.
I am sure you are all wondering how all of my work will come together-
I have drafted an outline of my final product, which will be a multimedia book. I have identified 5 elements (Individuals, Education, Neighborhoods, Outside Groups, and The Physical Environment) that I believe must be acknowledged, mobilized, and reformed in order to create a green America. My book will include descriptions of each element, its role in the chain, existing examples, and how we can reform said element to our benefit. The second part of my book is titled How to Plant a Seed and will focus on the initiation of grassroots movements- community lead movements.
Please be on the lookout for a survey I will post within this coming week. It would be awesome if all of you would do it!
Thank you!
Wonderful project outline, Zobella - you are on to something! Have you checked out livingstreetsalliance.org here in Tucson (bike-friendly interest group). I met someone from the Drachman Institute at one of their meetings...
I am aware of Living Streets Alliance. It is a wonderful organization. I am currently reading Mia Birk's book. Thank you for the positive feedback!
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