Hello Everyone!!
I have been so busy running around New York-
taking pictures of recycling bins, street art, kids playing in parks, LEED buildings, and the like; taking note of the way public transportation fits into the inter-workings of a city, the spring plants that push through the cement, and the way pedestrians can rule in an urban setting.
I am learning how to study people and place. The way to learn about how a place works is by listening to and watching the people.
Yesterday, a taxi driver from Ghana was talking with me about public transportation. In a heavy accent, he told me "I do this because it is better for the world." He continued to explain that the beauty and strength of New York's transportation resides in the collective positive attitude toward taxis, buses, and subways. He continued, "I see everyone taking this taxi- wealthy and poor people." Cultural perspectives- that is one piece of the greater puzzle.
Today I started noticing street art. There are a series of 5ft colorful flowers painted on the walls of construction projects. The artist signs the pieces "Random Act". To me, this Random Act of kindness is a reminder. A reminder that it is spring, flowers are in bloom, every new building is replacing nature. I asked four different friends who live in the neighborhood if they have noticed the flowers. None of them knew what I was talking about. So maybe, they are a reminder of our intrinsic ability to ignore the life around us.
More observations later.
Hey Zobe, I was wondering if you could clarify something. What do you mean by "positive attitude" about public transportation? I ask because when I think of a pervasive attitude of New York, I think of honking horns, crowded streets, and grumpy people. It's a shame they don't notice the flowers because that would certainly help.
well see- everyone takes the buses, trains, subways, and taxis; the rich, the poor, the young, the old, everyone. Public transportation is something that is cherished by all.
I feel that in cities- such as Tucson- public transportation has somewhat of a negative connotation and therefore it is not widely used. In other words, I believe that the common mentality is that if you have money, you have a car; if you are poor you take the bus.
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